Post by DavidPost by HCPost by DavidPost by CatronDavid,
You say you only tapped your abilities to a certain extent as if you
arent still capable of reaching your full potential..Im sure you still
have plenty of time to reach whatever goals you would like to reach.
The way you described your current life seems pretty good but it almost
sounds like you have decided that where you are now is as far as you
can go. Not trying to play psychologist here, just an observation
Your advice is all good, and very well-taken/well-received. Thanks dude.
Hey, I'm not saying shit blows by any means - that's part of the problem.
Things are all pretty cool - and it strikes me funny that .
However, when you catch so many breaks that you never really appreciated
over the years, and then you see people born blind or get suffer third
degree burns all over their body to the point their ears and nose melt off
and all the rest - it makes you think. Some times you question whether you
stepped it up enough. It's just a weird phase that's hit lately here on
this end.
Anyway, thanks again man for the kind words. Just mellowing watching
Nowitzki taking a giant dump all over the Suns.
God damn if you aint every fucking thing you accuse others of being.
Nah dude. I bust your nuts 'cuz you're a fairy of epic proportions - ya
really fag it up, dude.
I understand that you're threatened by men and you see "fags" around
every corner. If one were to go and do a search on your usenet posts
one would find homosexual references laced throughout your entire
posting history. Your MO is to find somebody you want to fight with and
then accuse them of being a homosexual. It's 95% of your entire act -
and was funny six years ago - but is a very tired act at this point.
Post by DavidI'm no socially awkward fairy
The fact that you defend yourself thusly, and feel a need to reinforce
to people that are drawing their own conclusions about you, *usually*
is a strong indicator that you *are* and I *know* you'd agree with that
if we were talking about somebody besides yourself.
Post by Davidonly comfortable
behind a keyboard where I've made it priority one to try to shield my
identity and true self. That's your business.
Actually, it's not. My "identity" is well known to whom I want it to be
well known to and to whom I trust with it. I've met live and in person
with numerous people that I know from here. Do I need to counsel you on
the necessity of being careful about identifying yourself to people on
the Internet? Perhaps because you spend the majority of YOUR time on
usenet over in the fairy fantasy football newsgroup, where the vast
majority of posters are KIDS, you may not be exposed to the kind of
sick individuals that float around the gambling groups. You have an
unbelievably narrow frame of reference, and for somebody that's
supposed to be as smart as you claim to be, you sure are stupid about
what some sick mentally ill shut ins will do to you if you let them get
a hold of your personal info. I don't "shield my true self," I shield
my identity. Because I am a target and it's the smart thing to do. Are
you not aware that there are sick people that would give their left nut
to gain the personal information of those they deem "enemies" so that
they can harrass them offline? Surely you are, and it's happened here.
Are you aware that "TheHCapper" was actually named in a $1 billion
federal lawsuit? Get this, some freak of fucking nature named Gordon
Roy Parker, that goes by the name of "Ray Gordon" alleged that
"TheHCapper" was part of some vast RICO conspiracy and that
"TheHCapper" was in cahoots with 100 other John Doe defendants
conspiring to prevent him from being able to do business. Sorry David,
I know you think I'm stupid, but trust me, I'm not *that* stupid that I
would allow some freak into my life so he can harrass me, my family and
anybody I'm associated with. If you think that makes me a "fairy" then
what can I tell you, I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge that
basically, I don't give a shit what you think because I have zero
respect for you.
Post by DavidNormally, I stick up for guys just like you -
David, HC doesn't need your help. Or want it. And when you found that
out after I told you so in email after you emailed me beging me to
align with you in some sort of fucking fairy lets go get 'em
partnership, that's when you decided that I was going to be your
target. It has nothing to do with who I am or how I act, it has
EVERYTHING to do with the fact that I turned you down, and rejected
your bid for friendship. I'll let the psychologically inclined spell it
out for you but in a nutshell your advances were rejected and you went
Glenn Close Fatal Attraction on me. Sorry Dave, that doesn't make any
sense. You act like an asshole, get rejected for acting like an
asshole, and respond to the rejection by acting like a BIGGER asshole.
Something wholly wrong with that, wouldn't you agree Mr. Michael?
Post by Davidalways have since high school.
I've always stepped in to look out for guys who got bullied simply for being
Is that how you see all this, that TheHCapper is "getting bullied
simply for being weak?"
Post by DavidI stick up for animals being abused too and always have - don't dig
seeing the meek getting shit on.
However, you're a pansy - who has been emboldened by the safety of anonymous
internet communication, and you try to "bully" other softer targets ...
Dave, take a look at who my enemies are:
1) Catron - Claims to be a 70% handicapper, and has a long history of
making racial and anti-semitic remarks. He posts at 2, 3 and 4 in the
morning and claims he's doing so from "work."
2) Steve Pesigan - claims we never went to the moon, that the entire
Apollo program was a fake and has contempt for those that don't agree
with him. He also claims to predict earthquakes, airline disasters, and
the outcome of sporting events.
Let's move this back a little bit, let's take a look at some of the
people that you *do* know:
1) Chris Gough - Good God David, have you *ever* seen a bigger bragging
asshole than this guy? This guy spent two years here in RGS bragging
about how he's going to retire on his vested interest in WORLDCOM!
He's gonna buy and sell our families. Has there *ever* been a better
example of a person that got what he had coming to him?
2) Magnificent Asshole - I got THIS guy so riled up that he wanted to
meet me, get this, to FIGHT! He even went so far as to proclaim that he
was coming to my neighborhood, and bringing a camera. When I told him
I'd love the opportunity to take his camera away from him and shove it
up his ass, what did he do, David, did he meet up with me, or did he
pussy out?
3) Angel Fatanez - Now here's a good example, this fat tub of shit has
the balls to be calling somebody ELSE fat??
And David, let's not forget where we are . . . this is a handicapping
group where people try and apply their methods for predicting the
outcome of sporting events at a profitale rate. Not only do I not and
never did START with any of the above mentioned assholes, but I kick
their fucking asses at the topic at hand here - handicapping.
It would appear from reading your posts that you are not interested in
truth or accuracy. You have very bad taste in friends (probably because
you have no standards and will be friends with anybody that accepts YOU
as a friend). You are instead interested in being an asshole.
And while it's clear that I'm near the top of the list and one of very
few PROFITABLE NFL handicappers in this place, instead of acknowledging
my accomplishments, you grab a hold of a two week stint, in a bi-weekly
contest that covered over five years and point to that short
meaningless (and even more meaningless if you knew what the rules of
the contest were) run and aren't even satisfied to report the results,
as bad as they were, accurately. Rather you embellish the already bad
results to make them worse, and then hang on to that like a paratrooper
hanging on to his parachute.
Post by Davidin a
very safe game.
I'm not playing a game. I call 'em as I see 'em. I report truthfully
and accurately.
Post by DavidAs such, it's kind of fun to monkey with you a little bit -
especially when you let folks see the real you.
Lots of people know the real me. You're jealous that I rejected you and
refused to allow you in. Get over it, genius.
Post by DavidI think you know better
than everyone else what I'm talking about.
I know exactly what you're talking about, I understand how right you
think you are.
Except you're wrong.
Post by DavidWhen you open up and showcase
what you're all about, it's quite a display.
Unfortunately for you, you don't know me, remember? So you don't know
what's real and what's not real, which makes your commentary on such
matters all the more irrelevant.
Post by DavidAre you necessarily a bad guy? Nah, I don't think so.
I'd like to understand why you think it matters to me or anybody else
what you think about me.
Post by DavidYou'd probably be a
lot cooler in person.
Maybe one day you'll be lucky enough to find out. But I doubt that.
Although you have no reason to be, you're probably afraid to meet me
face to face. Just like Angel, just like MB.
Post by DavidBut the fact you're profoundly insecure
I have my insecurities in life just like the next guy. You don't have
enough real data to make claim to knowing that much about me. You only
know what I let you see and even THAT'S calculated. And you're smart
enough to realize that.
Post by Davidyet try so
desperately to conceal your real self
It's not desparately, and I'm not trying to conceal the *person* only
the *identity*. You DO see and know the difference, don't you Dave?
Post by Davidand paint a portrait that says
otherwise... all at the expense of others
Others that deserve everything they get. Go ahead, defend racists,
defend conspracy theorists, go ahead defend braggards like Gough,
defend 500 pound obese cab drivers that call other people fat, and go
ahead and defend people that attack the most prolific and helpful and
most successful handicapper, (Brian) in a handicapping forum. Go ahead.
I can't stop you. Just don't expect me to accept you as if you aren't
doing any of those things, sweetie.
Post by Davidonly through the liberation of
the internet ... makes you an inviting target.
Fire away.
Post by DavidPost by HCPost by DavidPost by CatronPost by DavidPost by CatronDavid,
If people are going to believe you're freakishly off the charts smart,
socially smooth, tall, athletic, and very attractive, live in a big
beautiful house in a nice neighborhood with your loving wife, dog, and
white picket fence why wouldnt they also believe that you have an
exceptionally high IQ? If they will believe everything that you
mentioned I dont think anyone would think the very high IQ is cyber
I read what I wrote the next day. It's mainly on all fours, but I'd
humble the hell out on some of those comments.
For starters, I'm most definitely not unbelievably attractive - that
lame statement. Who on the internet doesn't say that. And a number
apparently agree that I'm nothing that magical - so reading that the next
day, I kind of cringed a bit. No one has asked me to pose for any Calvin
Klein underwear in my lifetime.
Besides, looks don't last forever - no matter how good a hand you get dealt
your way. Lastly, looks aren't really what people are all about - putting
that in there was just to underscore all of the gifts that came my
how I only tapped them to a limited extent. How would things've
if I went balls out, really jammed leadfoot on the throttle ?
These are questions I never really asked of myself because I was always
quite stoked as things played out, but as you approach mid-life - you ask
yourself questions.
Post by CatronPost by CatronMarc,
I will still be posting some baseball picks but most of my time spent
handicapping will be on the French open and the world cup which begins
June 9th. I will post enough picks in baseball for your book to take
some money from you.
I agree that it's rediculous for Steve to think the apollo program was
a fake but he has the right to believe what he wants regardless of how
assinine his beliefs are to you and I.
Post by HCPost by CatronI am your hero
======rewind back to just this past weekend========
Post by CatronIt was recently brought to my attention that you participated
in a
fantasy football league called "The Cage"
Brought to your attention?
You focus so much energy on me that you are now discussing TheHCapper
and something as meaningless as fantasy football with friendless Dave
in email? Or did you two MANLY MEN chit chat it up on the phone,
giggling amongst yourselves about big bad HCapper and his buddy
======end rewind==============================
He's MY hero?!?
Maybe he doesn't remember typing that being how it was 3:14 in the
Jimmy, here's a tip for ya . . . don't agree with or repeat
Steve "Riley Martin" Pesigan says. Send Dave an email, tell him what
I'm sayin' here in the newsgroup, and ask him what he thinks, and I
guarantee you that he will tell you NOT to appear to be on the
a guy that claims to predict earthquakes, airline disasters, and
sporting events using the same methodology. Listen to me, earthquakes
aren't like baseball games, they can't be predicted the same way, you
have never seen a mound erupt spewing lava, and you'll never see an
earthquake throw a 95 mph fastball, and even if you had the best
seismometer or seismograph in the world Texas *still* would have
Seattle the other night. And besides that, it's *never* a good
side with the one guy in the room that's telling people that the
Apollo program was a scam, and that we never went to the moon,
getting belligerent with people for disagreeing with him. Are you
getting any of this Jason? It's like this . . . it's bad enough that
the guy is arguing that we never went to the moon, that by itself is
what it is, but THIS guy, takes it to the point that he believes
anybody that DOESN'T think it's obvious that the entire Apollo
was a fake is nuts! Jerry, I'm POSITIVE that if you thought that the
entire Apollo program was a fake and that we didn't really go to the
moon, you'd at least understand that OTHER people would think you
nuts for thinking it. This guy Steve misses that even.So the
the story is, shut the fuck up you retarded monkey and post some
fucking baseball picks you fucking loser so that I can bet the other
sides and pay my bills with the proceeds. I would rather do that than
work, what the fuck is it going tot ake to get you to PLEASE start
posting your picks again?
Your hero